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English/Spanish Bilingual Audio Books
View ProductsDr. Mike Lockett is the author of multiple children's bilingual picture books. All of Lockett's books are full-color, high-interest books. Each story is clean and fun for children to read. The books each have elements of humor that Dr. Lockett added for the adults who share the books with the children. The stories have simple vocabulary, predictable plots and enough repetition to help young learners improve their reading skills. Nine of Dr. Lockett's books are in an English - Spanish format. The books include audio CDs to assist younger learners. Dr. Lockett's voice is used for the English voice on the audio. His voice is clear and in his easy-to-understand mid-west voice. The Spanish voicing is done by award winning storyteller, Leeny Del Seamonds. * All four of these titles are also available in an English/Chinese format on this site.

English/Chinese Bilingual Audio Books
View ProductsDr. Mike Lockett is the author of multiple children's bilingual picture books. All of Lockett's books are full-color, high-interest books. Each story is clean and fun for children to read. The books each have elements of humor that Dr. Lockett added for the adults who share the books with the children. The stories have simple vocabulary, predictable plots and enough repetition to help young learners improve their reading skills. Nine of Dr. Lockett's books are in an English - Chinese format. The books include audio CDs to assist younger learners.

Children's Picture Books with Audio
View ProductsDr. Lockett has adapted a series of international folktales for young readers. He makes each folktale come to life in his family friendly storytelling style. An audio CD comes with each book so developing readers and experienced readers can laugh along as Dr. Lockett tells the tales. Editor Rita Ho from Santa Publishing in Taiwan found a new emerging artist in an experiences video game designer to illustrate the books. Ann Lo used a cartoon style to bring a delightful look to each page in the stories. Santa Publishing used a trade paperback style of book and printed using recycled paper and non-toxic ink in an effort to be environmentally responsible when creating the books. Lockett brought the books to the USA under his own publishing brand - Heritage Schoolhouse Press.

YA (Young Adult) Novels
View ProductsThe term YA stands for Young Adult Novels. This generally refers to literature that is written for Ages 12-18. Dr. Lockett has written one YA Novel at this time It is published by Parkhurst Brothers Publishing in Michigan.

Storytelling "How To" Books
View ProductsDr. Lockett carries a number of excellent storytelling books by highly talented storytellers. These include books on "How to Tell Stories", "Beginning Storytelling", "Collections of Stories" and more. Every book is heavily discounted from the retail price. Shipping and Handling is $5 for a single book. Each additional book adds $1 S&H, Max $25.