The Button Factory

Hi, my name is Joe, and I work in a button factory.
I have a house and a dog and a family.
One day, my boss said to me, "Hey, Joe, are you busy?"
I said, "No!"
He said, "Good! Turn this button with your right hand."
(Through Pantomimed action - encourage audience to twist their hand while pretending to turn a button.)
Hi, my name is Joe, and I work in a button factory.
I have a house and a dog and a family.
One day, my boss said to me, "Hey, Joe, are you busy?"
I said, "No!"
He said, "Good! Turn this button with your left hand."
Hi, my name is Joe, and I work in a button factory.
I have a house and a dog and a family.
One day, my boss said to me, "Hey, Joe, are you busy?"
I said, "No!"
He said, "Good! Turn this button with your right foot."
Hi, my name is Joe, and I work in a button factory.
I have a house and a dog and a family.
One day, my boss said to me, "Hey, Joe, are you busy?"
I said, "No!"
He said, "Good! Turn this button with your left foot."
Hi, my name is Joe, and I work in a button factory.
I have a house and a dog and a family.
One day, my boss said to me, "Hey, Joe, are you busy?"
I said, "No!"
He said, "Good! Push this button with your head."
Hi, my name is Joe and I work in a button factory
I have a house, and a dog, and a family
One day, my boss said to me, "Hey Joe, are you busy?"
I said, "Yes!!!"
Note: There are many versions for this audience participation activity. The original author is not known. It is good with children and a fun ice breaker to use with adult audiences. I first heard a version of this audience participation story in the late 1970's from New England storyteller, Michael Parent. He readily gave his consent to workshop participants to retell the story. Enjoy keeping this story alive by retelling it over and over.
Mike Lockett, 2008
Dr. Mike Lockett is an educator, storyteller and children's author from Normal, IL. Dr. Lockett has given more than 4000 programs across the USA and as far away as eastern Asia. Contact Mike by writing to in order to book him for a storytelling program or young authors program or to inquire about purchasing his books and CDs. Illustration is by ChungYi-Ru. copyright owned by Mike Lockett, 2014. More stories and information about storytelling can be found at